Random thoughts, ideas and guesses, both educated and intuitive. Remarks on how others have seen the future and who was correct. på engelska

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Eugenics? Mind Control? Biological pharmacology.

I seriously feel that there is a boldfaced unhidden Eugenics agenda in many countries now.. if it be Illiminati or some other shadow organisation it is thus- some of the prinicipals of the Eugenics is so ingrained in the first half of the 1900's in AMERICA as a form of dealing with forms of humanity as "unwanted" or "unworthy" such as sterilisation of those deemed as such.

Nazi idiology took that even a step farther.. making so called scientific basis for their determination of those qualities of those "unworthy of life".. and today using these so called "scientific" techinques we discover the pharmacological market is taking up all of these practices where these two ideas of "worthyness" takes over.

I see it this way, they control people by the pharmicological alterations.. young children diagnosed with ADHD, and many of these other things which forciblely say in the US that children who have such a disorder will not have the right to school if they do not take medicines which are not only danerous for them but will change the structure of the development of the brain.. I believe that this helps with the process of "mind control" as to totally change the brain is a form of that.

I think there were a few cases of children put into foster care in the States and because of so called behaviour problems force drugs like these.. but not limited to harder substances for other numberless disorders.

Not only that but the willingness of people to accept that they have a problem such as a "chemical imballance" is also a part of this mind control..its like giving the control over your body and mind over to someone else who says "this drug will cure all your anxieties and mental problems" and then accepting, paying and swallowing the poison they give. This is a part of the child of the Eugenics movement- psychology.. to find a biological basis for people to be deemed mentally ill. So right, there is a biological basis for my "synastisae", its the biological structure of the brain and nervious system.. right? It is super connectiviness of the nerves.... the seeing of sound, the feeling of sound, hearing of sensations.. (I had this really brilliant sounding headache the other day, it hurt really bad but it was very musical, and sounded like bells) but then I don't as annoying as it can be at times being that sensitive and hearing something that makes me momentarily blind can happen but not often.. should I be forced to take medicine to make it go away? Because it is different, is this not a biological based mental disorder.. and if I take some drugs that block the overflow of neurological impulses to other sensations, could it make me "normal" and less distracted and even "smarter".. dealing with all the massive disctractions and painful need to focus at times?

Oh well that was just another side line.. I haven't written for a while you see.. the sensation of my emotions is pressing me to go farther with my train of though.. the emotions which are brilliant to the artist.. the death of the conformist who only wants to be like everyone else (even if normality is a myth- part of the mind control they play upon us via media every freaking day if you dare to look at any given program on television).

On a package of your typical antibiotics (to save lives) there are a number of warnings.. people are asked to be careful with them.. but I am overwhelmed with the percentages of people willingly putting brain altering substances such as Valium, Prozac, Zoloft, Ridalin and other drugs, daily into their bodies because some psychologist schooled in Freudian psychology thinks that aniexity or energy is a bad thing and disturbs people.. when its just the system which doesn't allow for the development of people which is the issue.

I won't even get into these new ideas about "bi polar" or Lithium, and various other so called "anti psychotics" (they are not only toxic, but expected to be taken by people on a daily basis... because its the "psychosis" which is dangerous, not the fact that if you take these meds on a daily basis you will shorten your life expectation by 20 years) (obviously a Eugenics point as well as side effects which lead to death or lack of sexual energy)

Sooner or later people will wake up.. but with the combinations of school systems, conformity, television and ideas about what people should feel like or work like (not only that but what you should look like too) I get the impression that mind control is much more common just staring you in the face if you even look around you.. and all these ideas have been here living with us all for the past hundred years, because before then, you pretty much had system which had places for people to cope, within the typical structure of things.

Now an artifical doctrine of forcibly drugging children who are anxious because they never see their parents or don't understand what is happening is going on, and these things were never in effect in the amount of the years previous to only 100 years ago. It was only because nature took over (in the sense if you don't look after and fed and care for your children they would die) even if women and children were beaten the psychosis or idea of it was not as much as in the recent years.

Death was a part of every day life in the sense that if you were to get sick, there was a possiblity you could die unexpectedly.. and we weren't talking about anxiety about driving a car or going to school.. but life and death.. so basicly people had less to really worry about other than that death was always waiting.

I think it helps people to devolop better relationships with people if they really understand this idea.. that A. you don't want to hang around with people you don't like because life is too short; and B. you don't want to lose that love, or opportunity, or chance by fearing commitments and looking for something better to come along.. because you can't live life like that.. even if they did instruct girls to always be chast- not many people waited until over the age of 20 to be married or become a part of a partnership.. wether aranged or based in love. Well its the idea of that it SHOULD work that way.

(Commitment is the new "Death" we fear the most.. the losing of ourselves because we have already lost so much of who we are by the time the first years of school have been finished with us and we wish to be MORE than just another number.. but then the expresson of fear of aloneness also kicks in for many who cling hard to relationships that don't support their expression as who they are because that too is the same coin, so you will see relationship phobics jump from one relationship to another faster than they can change their underpants and still exclaim they don't want to be alone but they don't want to commit.)

Fear of commitment is part of our anxieties.. the anxiety to let people be close inspite of the fact we need friends and family and people who we can trust ourselves with...most see independence as a strength rather than weakness but within most of the independence I see, I see a sense of distance.. the more intrenched one gets in "pulling his own weight", the more I see the perspective of that "everyone SHOULD pull his own weight".. so the empathy for the misfortunate turns often to an indignant "oh I will help.. but they must be WORTHY"... and this attitude can easily shift from that to "I can't help them, they are not WORTHY".

If the person who's "independance" and success had come from a background of struggle and less opportunities, the struggle leaves marks of bitter justification and hard hearteness towards people in similar sitatuations.. in fact I have found more people who came from my background with hardship have become basicly hateful towards those less fortunate based upon "I struggled and no one helped me, so why should I help you.." attitude.

I read this into a institutionalized attitude over all of coldness and lack of feeling for anyone but small babies (and cute animals occasionally).. and those of course are given away at the mother's expense for the price of having that child to escape poverty and hardship. (personally I recommend any woman who NEEDS to give a child up for adoption to seriously consider other options where they can keep the baby..especially IF they wouldn't have given their child away for any other reason aside for hardship and poverty and the fear of being a single parent all alone.)

Now I have an anxiety.. I see the future of people apparently searching for children to complete their lives, in spite of the fact they have chemically drenched themselves in the poision which stopped them from passing on their genetics.. taking in a child or two and exposing them to the same toxic environment dependent upon one chemical or another. Or people having children and given false diagnosis of post partum depression and given massive drugs for them to cope (thinking about the instance of a woman in New Zeeland complaning about back pain to her GP and told she had post partum depression!! I fell down the stairs and had a back pain.. someone I dare you to lable THAT post partum depression! Later on the woman was put on drugs and still had back pain.. after 3 years on antipsycotics they found out she had a slipped disc and was trying to get off the meds because they wrecked her life and her relationship to her husband and her child as a person-- note also a function of isolation, much like the preparing the ground for mind control.)

I have an anxiety that a number of people like me.. statisticly won't have children because of anxiety or failure of commitment as the norm... after all you need a commitment to something to have a child in your life- otherwise you will fail to give them the ground basis for future development.. that one thing to hold structure.. not just that but the basics of love, attention, worthyness. When other people judge what worthyness is on, soley upon a biological or economic worth.. the numbers or the varity of points of view beging to dwindle and conformity and even rabid hate of the different grows so well within the untouched unrealised soul.

I've made a link to the artical that inspired my train of thought here.. it really isn't completly part wholeness of the issues addressed.. and I addressed a few of my own personal agendas instead- after all the personal IS political.