Random thoughts, ideas and guesses, both educated and intuitive. Remarks on how others have seen the future and who was correct. på engelska

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Location: Huddinge, Stockholmsland, Sweden

Just another avatar in Second Life lured in with the promise of a baby unicorn..

Sunday, February 03, 2008

my new blogg dealing with vitual experices

I launched my "Other" blogg.. because its about time to talk about the experiences that I have had in a collective virtual community I will create videos on the topic.. have contributions and interviews..but I most of all wish to take a philosophical journey where the idea of things as matterial only is no longer valid.

When I get a gift or a prise in a vitual world.. did I actually get anything at all.. a person close to me would argue.. "fake things in a fake world.." but I argue back.. with the following questions:

"What is real? Is an idea real? Is a website something you pay for.. is that something unreal? Is contact via a telephone, more or less real than contact via other methods? Is anything "real" in need of being measured in a sensory quantified way or is anything that isn't measured by matterial means logically "unreal" or "fake"?"

With this in mind.. its easy to poke holes in lots of ideas such as faith and love, religion, belief systems.. but we all come back to perception with them.. so thinking differently about it all.. its not always a winning blow for the athesists.. because this is about anyone who is stuck in a mindset where all things must be defined by the here and now.. and quantity.

But my happy drug, my happy pill is not a pill.. but a state of mind.. also immeasurable.. like love.. one of the most important unquantifiable "things" in the world. What about "words"? People every day pay for words.. words are huge buisness for those who know how to use them or sell them..

Useless words fill up books and make huge amounts of money.. for the "right people".. but here I am.. thinking of Douglas Adams.. someone who's words filled books... many many books.. and filled the air when he spoke. I think that he may have approved of this different reality since his creation of Starship Titanic was very much in line with the ideas of a vitual interactive world. Even his writings had more innovative interactive creations than in any of the William Gibson books.. Adams wanted to just create "Starship Titantic" without a book but his publishers wouldn't allow for it.. so he pretty much made someone else write it.. because he didn't want to deal with writing but rather brainstorming and creating.

Yes.. in a world where Myst and Riven were very popular, Starship Titanic the video game was an intersting interactive situation where you would actually interact with the characters. Some people have taken it much farther and have created whole world games on SL.. making it an interactive gaming world, but they stick to their rules insanely, is the complaint..

I want some of that feeling I stepped into a new place.. I like the feeling of being a bit of an armchair adventurer whilst cliff diving and chatting with friends.. its an awesome feeling to see an image of yourself doing things you would never dare to do.. or maybe not fully dressed in an evening gown doing!!!

:)so this is why I decided to make a new blogg! To cover that "unreal" area of my "life".. and stay totally virtuous..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would bid that firsthand darkness would be as to see the light?

Sunday, February 24, 2008 1:24:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am such a nob...wrong post!

Sunday, February 24, 2008 1:27:00 am  
Blogger AstroSphinx said...


Nice to see your comments anyway.. I know what it is in regaurds to... I thought I recognised you by your tone of voice :D

Sunday, February 24, 2008 8:27:00 am  

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