Random thoughts, ideas and guesses, both educated and intuitive. Remarks on how others have seen the future and who was correct. på engelska

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Location: Huddinge, Stockholmsland, Sweden

Just another avatar in Second Life lured in with the promise of a baby unicorn..

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

sunday night's dream

I dreamt I was supposed to do something, something with a boat, and so I needed to put down a deposit for it, using a credit card.. this boat was a huge cargo ship, and there was a deadline, but the problem of the deadline was there was a huge storm with huge swells and overwhelmingly rough seas.. and there was no way to dock this huge ship.. I was thinking all along the way about the music for "I am a whale" for a project I was thinking of working on.

Because of the stormy seas I was naturally delayed, but what could I do? There was nothing to fight against due to the fact, one can not fight against the weather, one has to wait it out.. no point in being frustrated either...The seas were nearly black and the boat was being tossed about, but the only thing I could do was stay on a steady course at sea until there was an opening for docking and delivering my cargo. All the while when I was out at land and yet navigating the ship at the same time, I was observing from outside of the situation. And people would come up to me and say how brave I was.. and one said it was like personally getting out there and swimming with the sharks.

Still waiting it out I guess..


Next dream just under the situation of a nap (I do need those!) I was dreaming I was working very hard under the day and when I got home, I took off my head (as though even my body was removable.. like some kind of costuming) and then I noticed something and it was a little star-like creature attached to my head.. it was like sea life.. very fine and transparent but also light and feathery like a baby jellyfish but with the tendrils like a barnacle..and it took a look at it, and it was hovering there over my head, from my physical body.. and I had to ask it, had it been there all along? And I motioned it over to me, standing in front of a mirror, and it could be seen along with my "real body" or other body.. and it was like an iceberg in the sense that even though it had a physical presence it had invisible physical presence.. hyper dimensional with its dimensions stretching into various places, both physical and not apparently physical. And it finally after I spoke to it it answered me.. and was like a pair of lips whispering in my ear, which were not as seen as its barnacle feathers opened and closed like speaking lips.. and it said.. "I want to be with you.." and then it's invisible tendrils grabbed me all over my nerves and said "I like being with feels nice here"

I won't get into the other details though.. but when I woke up or about to wake up, it was like I was growing wings or something.. like this creature was a "halo" over my head and it's merging with my astral, physical, hyper dimensional body was creating me to grow differently.. but the sensation of sprouting wings was both pleasing and uncomfortable at the same time. And now it feels like my senses are under constant attack of sensations.. vibrations, which previously were there, but I am becoming even more aware of.

This doesn't explain however this constant need to move the top mattress back every night until last night where I FELT that mattress move right under me.. making it difficult to sleep...if this is a sign I'm in trouble.. please someone let me know.



Blogger AstroSphinx said...

Ok, my son was looking at something over my head tonight..and he looked and looked and it was after I said something about his spiderman pajamas... and he said right to me, there was a spider on my head... and I feeling this sensation of this "seaform" experience for the last day.. asked him what colour it was and he said so calm as anything, "white" and I thought.. hmmm.. then I asked, did it really look like a spider.. and I showed him a drawing I went out of the other room just to make, and he said, that the part that bites was touching my head... and that these "legs" were not...

So now I've been trying to look up information about what this "invisible" creature could be.. it obviously has intelligence, and can communicate..but my son is a bit frightened of it..because not only he can see it, but describe where I feel it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:21:00 pm  
Blogger Attempting to Know said...

Hey I read your post on meta-logic cafe and I just want to say that I completely agree with you on the issue of money. I've actually been writing against this and other issues on my blog as I believe we are in need of a serious cultural and intellectual revolution where we break free from the chains of the aristocracy (those who control money, politics, and media, which in turn control us).

I read your article about the dreams. This is an interesting topic and I highly suggest you watch this movie called Waking Life, which essentially explores this topic of what is real and what is not, such as how can we tell if life is a dream if we never wake up. It is comprised of a number of vignettes of interesting situations and people pondering this subject and every scene is usually allegorical of itself or of our world. It's animated, but in the same sense that A Scanner Darkly is animated.

Peace and Love.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 1:24:00 am  
Blogger AstroSphinx said...

Hej thanks Attempting to Know...

I did see A Scanner Darkly.. and this is really about living in the now of the reality created by a system.. I mean you are caught up in it that way...

Reality though, I didn't tell my son anything about what I dreamt, I didn't even tell my husband until I wrote this down.. and not so much..

This "spider" he calls it, I tried to research it, and there are supposedly some "lower astral" life.. but this can communicate (in my dreams anyway) and still has some kind of presence my son can detect.. children are amazing this way... but he still calls it a spider.. then he tells me there is a small black spider trying to climb up and eat the large white one..

More than a year ago, before I got puemonia, I had this dream I was with friends on an expedition in what seemed to be really nice place, like a pallace turned into a youth hostle in India or something.. and it was just really nice being with friends, and suddenly I was attacked by a huge black spider with more legs than spiders have.. it had no intelligence either.. just spinning webs in my hair trying to eat me.. then I got puemonia shortly after and the next week after I was under treatment, I went back to the hospital because of difficulty in breathing and there was a black spot on the x-ray..

I guess when I read all these things about astral life form theories, starting just yesterday, it never said, "an astral entity could attack you and make you very ill.. or even nearly kill you.." But this "white spider" my son was talking about, he said he can see black webs around my head.... he didn't know about the other dream last year either, and I just remembered it now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 8:52:00 am  

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